Frequently asked questions.
I charge €120,- for a 50 minute session.
Please remember to cancel or reschedule 48 hours in advance.
Keep in mind that it is also possible to meet via Skype or Facetime.
I am usually in the practice from Tuesday through Friday.
Reimbursement by Austrian insurance:
Generally speaking, if clients get a GP's referral for psychotherapy before the 2nd session, Austrian insurance companies will reimburse part of the fee. The GP will have to complete a form, which, along with the therapists’ invoice can be submitted to insurance companies.
To request reimbursement for additional sessions, a separate form must be submitted to insurance companies before the 7th session. (This request can be repeated, but insurance companies will determine whether and how many sessions will be partially refunded.
The amounts reimbursed by companies vary. For the year 2022 the Gesundheitskasse reimburses €28; the SVS and BVA reimburse €40 per 50 minute session.
To get up-to-date information on the amounts your insurance might reimburse you, please contact them.
Eating Disorders
Therapy for Teens
Personality Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Day-to-Day Issues and Wanting to Figure Yourself Out